Damp Rated
Energy Star
Title 24
D:5 1/2'' H:2 1/4'' Round
Alma 52 Smart
Generation Lighting
Bedroom, Living Room, Great Room
Maximum Blade To Ceiling Height:
Minimum Blade To Ceiling Height:
Minimum Ceiling Height Required:
Remote Control Type:
Handheld Remote, 6-Speed, Reverse and Dimmer
Standard Energy Use Wave:
Standard Estimated Yearly Energy Cost:
Standard Weighted Average Airflow:
6'' matte white downrod included, sloped ceiling compatible, and includes all mounting hardware for easy installation
Available Finishes: Aged Pewter, Burnished Brass, Brushed Steel, Matte White and Midnight Black
From the brand formerly known as Monte Carlo
Transitional 3-blade ceiling fan ideal for bedrooms, living rooms, family rooms, and outdoor covered porches and patios
Wi-Fi enabled, mobile device controlled and features a 6-speed, Energy Star rated, reversible DC motor